
Monday, April 8, 2013

Blog Introduction and Objective

Assalamualaikum and greetings, dear friends and visitor.

My name is Zaharudin bin Mansuri, 20 years old, a final year student at KPMIM.

This blog was written in order to complete the task for subject ITE 3563-Digital and Mobile Communication and gain knowledge regarding the topic of nuclear energy.

The objective of this blog is:-
  • To give an overview of the nuclear history to the readers.
  • To point out world's nuclear issue.
  • To find or discuss a good way on using the nuclear energy.
Feel free to follow and drop some comments, so that we can discuss it in a more better way.

Thank you.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Negative Impact on Nuclear Usage Towards The World

After discussion and point out my opinion on nuclear power and its capability, now I will list out the impact of nuclear usage in this world. There are four points to be highlight in this post. First one is the nuclear power starts the arms race between the veto nations. This is proved when after the end of World War Two, the allies especially United States of America and Soviet Union has extensively power up their nuclear project and starting to develop the nuclear weapon. Other veto countries like Britain, France and China also starting to follow them in terms of developing a nuclear arsenal capability. This trend can be shown below:-

Figure 1: Veto powers nuclear weapon arsenal since 1946-2007.

Second impact that can be list down is the possibility of nuclear winter. Nuclear winter is a climatic effect of nuclear war (Slanina, 2012). This could be happen if the veto powers like United States and Russia go to war against each other. A brief view about the nuclear winter can be seen in the media below:-

Third impact of the nuclear usage on this world is the misuse of nuclear energy by creating WOMD would bring catastrophic consequences. By having the nuclear winter, annihilation of mankind is certain. This is possible because the atomic detonation will expose millions of human and animals to radiation, extensive amount of heat produce by the blast, and radioactive pollution in plants and food.
The last impact that can be seen is the long term repair of nuclear incident. This situation really use high amount of cost, in terms of workers, materials, money and time. For example, the atomic bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The radiation was polluted both area for 10 years and completely gone in 1955 and 1956. Another example is Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The incident consuming 79 years of clean up operation, 700 000 workers and $15 billion in cash.

In conclusion, the misuse of nuclear energy can be devastating and deadly to the world, especially the mankind. The history shows that the nuclear energy is far worse than its efficiency for supplying the human needs in electricity and other type of energy. The usage for military purpose is one a great development in its history and the people only know nuclear energy from it also. This is a negative impact for the nuclear energy and the technology only drives it more deadly than before.


Sunday, March 31, 2013

Recent Nuclear-Related Issue

When talks about nuclear, a disaster cannot be avoided. Many serious incidents happen in the recent world that caused by nuclear. For example, Fukushima-Daishi nuclear disaster, Iran nuclear programme and North Korea nuclear capability. These three examples are the latest nuclear related incident. Fukushima-Daishi nuclear disaster was happened in March 11, 2011, during the 9.0 earthquake at Japan. This natural disaster forming a tsunami wave and instantly leaved a permanent damage to the Fukushima’s nuclear reactor.  A figure of damaged reactors is shown below:-

Figure 1: Fukushima-Daishi damage nuclear reactor.
The worlds especially the Japanese was suffered a lot because of this disaster. For example, loss of life and long-expensive term of repairing cost. According to experts, the full cleanup of the disaster would take 40 years approximately. In terms of cost, Japan government estimated at least $13 billion to decontamination (Baird J, 2011). Overall, the disaster is a major hit for the world, especially the Japanese in terms of cost of life and material which can be a future reference on the nuclear related incident.

Move on to the second issue, the Iran nuclear programme. This programme has been a continuous nuclear-related issue in today’s world. The tension between the Iran and West was triggered by this issue. The accusing of having a nuclear bomb made Iran a target for the Western countries and its allies. Iran just replied extensively by saying the nuclear programme was for peace purpose, not for war. This issue was taken to the UN and talks begin to resolve it. Until now, the agreement was not seen although the inspection has been done by Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General (IAEA, 2004). In other words, the Iran nuclear programme will bring a long, continuous tension between the country and the West, which may result a new conflict at the Arab continent.

The last issue that would be point out in this review is the North Korea nuclear capability. This issue is also a long, continuous tension between the North and South Korea, which backed by the US. Long after the Korean War in 1950’s, the intention of gaining a nuclear power was initiated by Kim Il Sung and at 2006, they declare the North has the nuclear weapon in their arsenal. The figure below shows the North Korea missile and its capability:-

Figure 2: North Korea missile arsenal.

In recent years, the tension was high because the US regularly conducted a military exercise with the South and the North saw it as a serious threat that could jeopardize its attention on avoiding an international interference on the region. Plus, the issue sometimes resulting a clash between the North and South. For example, the bombardment of Yeonpyeong Island. The figure below shows the incident:-

Figure 3: Shore bombardment at Yeonpyeong Island.
The incident will create more tension and longer fights between the two countries. In conclusion, many of the latest issue of world that was triggered by nuclear capability can be deadly and contribute to next World War because of the denial and hypocrisy that shown from the nations involved in the issue.  Make sure we avoid creating a scene because it can resolve to a deadly consequence.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Global Organization that Related With Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is not a freelance and stands alone to organize itself. In this world, the nuclear energy is organized by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and World Nuclear Association (WNA). These two organizations often promote the peaceful usage of nuclear. IAEA was an autonomous organization and meanwhile WNA was a non-profit, independent organization. This post will explain the history and function of these two organizations.

IAEA logo

IAEA was founded by the idea of President Dwight D. Eisenhower which wanted an organization that regulate and promote the usage of nuclear energy for peace. According to this idea, IAEA was founded in 1957 and leaded by W. Sterling Cole, a former US Congressman. Other than promotes the nuclear usage for peaceful purposes, IAEA also concerning about the nuclear safety around the world. This could be seen in the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl and Fukushima-Daishi. IAEA also keep an eye on nuclear for military purposes. This could be seen when IAEA’s representative always visited the nuclear facilities around the world, especially at the controversial country like Iran.

IAEA visit at Iran.

All nuclear reactors around the world were registered under this organization. But not all was registered. For example, North Korea and Israel nuclear reactor was remained anonymous although there were some reports regarding that issue. According to its official website, total of 159 countries has joined its organization. This shown that many countries show their interest and hope for this organization to fulfill its work as primary nuclear organization in this world.

On the other hand, World Nuclear Association was an independent, non-profit organization that promotes and supports the nuclear usage for peace, especially on world’s companies.

WNA logo.

WNA members were responsible of 95 percent of nuclear power outside of US. WNA was founded on 1975 under the name of Uranium Institute and later change name to present at 2001. WNA now usually operates on the Internet to gain its membership. WNA has many subjects to be focus on. For example, nuclear law and trading, transport of radioactive materials, uranium mining standardization and many more. WNA also helps the IAEA on nuclear safety matters.

In conclusion, both IAEA and WNA have its own function in some fields that required its expertise. As the organization that organizes the smoothness and reliability of nuclear energy, both IAEA and WNA has done greatly in the past century by avoiding the possibility of nuclear winter. IAEA and WNA only hope that the world can be great by using the nuclear energy for peace, not for war.



Sunday, March 17, 2013

Nuclear Usage In The World

Nuclear energy has got a good image for its capability and many countries want to have it. Total of 31 countries has used nuclear energy since 1945. France used nuclear energy to power up its country’s electricity by 77.1 percent. Meanwhile China used the least nuclear energy for electricity purpose. According to statistic, China only uses 1.9 percent of its nuclear energy to produce electricity. Although the nuclear energy can give a positive impact on its user, it also has a deadly usage. The extensive usage of nuclear as a weapon of mass destruction since 1945 making a negative perception for the country that only used it for energy. For example, the early atomic bomb “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” until the Minuteman II and SS-27 ‘Topol-M’ intercontinental ballistic missile which deploys terror around the world. This trend was evolved and adapted with the technology. The more technologies produces, the more deadly the nuclear can be. But, only 9 over 31 country used nuclear capabilities for military purpose. The figure is shown below:-
Figure 1: Nuclear weapons according to the country.

Although nuclear energy has a deadly impact, many developed country wanted to use it as a substitute for the future usage on electricity. The country that shows interest in nuclear energy is Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam and many more (World Nuclear Association, 2012). This approach has given a good publicity on nuclear energy and to use it for peace purposes. As predicted in the post before, the nuclear energy will become the main source to generate electricity as the coal resources is getting extinct day by day, with the nuclear capabilities, the country can sustain the demand of electricity for a very long time. Thus, making the country more develop and move accordingly with another first world country.

In conclusion, the nuclear is a really good helping tool in today’s world and very adaptive with the continuous technology wave. From generate electricity to weapon of mass destruction, nuclear is an energy that one does not simply ignore. The future is generate by the nuclear and we as the user should make it useful or vice versa.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Introduction of Nuclear Energy

Nuclear is an energy source that is widely used in the world. The history of nuclear energy can be traced back to year 1930’s. First discovery of radioactivity was happened back to 1896 by Henri Becquerel when he wrapped a photographic plate and along with a crystal which contained uranium (Chater J, 2005). After a while, the plates emitted an invisible nuclear emanation which caused by the crystal uranium. The discovery then continues and evolves to a nuclear fission. This evolution continues to another level by the discovery of neutron by James Chadwik, as a tool for nuclear energy. The figure of nuclear fission and neutron is shown below:-

Nuclear fission

There are four main elements in nuclear atom. According to Pearson J (2008), the elements are nucleon (refer to neutron or proton in an atom), isotope (two nucleon which differs in the number of neutron), isotone (converse of isotope) and isobar (a nucleon which has the same amount of mass with the atom). These four elements combined together and creates nuclear atom. Nuclear atom then react its force and produces energy (electrical charge) and leftover neutron or waste (radiation). A figure of the reaction is shown below:-
A nuclear or atomic reaction

As we know that nuclear is an energy source, a key energy to sustain the human’s daily life and survival. Nuclear energy is cheaper to use and operate rather than fossil fuel energy. According to Diesendorf M (2010), the cost of nuclear energy per power station is US$ 7.5c/KWh, which is lower than fossil fuel by 8 percent. Plus, the fuel-based energy like diesel can be run out by the time of 2035, in terms of demands and resources. Nuclear energy can generate electricity two and a half times more than oil-based energy. A figure of comparison is shown below:-

World Electricity Generation by 2006

 According to this statistics, we can predict that the earth cannot produce and sustain a sources needed for oil, coal and gas. This is because the composite and other material used to create those three resources will be run out in the future. On the other hand, hydro and nuclear based energy can sustain longer because the earth nature gives an advantage to produce energy. For example, hydro based energy generates electricity through water dam that using water flow to power up its dynamo which produce electrical energy. At the same time, nuclear energy constantly produces electricity because the radioactive atom was depending on uranium which our mother nature constantly produces every day.
In conclusion, nuclear energy is a long lasting energy that can be used to its fullest by any means necessary. This is because the ingredient and elements is hardly run out rather than using oil, gas and coal to generate electricity energy. Nuclear energy is the answer for the future generation to sustain life those so demanding years after years.
